4 Tips to Maximize Your Writing Sprints This November!

November is National Novel Writing Month, and if you’re itching to complete the 50,000-word challenge, here are 4 must-know tips to optimize your sprints! Warm up those laptops and ready those Pomodoro timers y'all because we’re jumping in.

Time Yourself

If you read the word “Pomodoro” and have no clue what it means, this is about to change the game for you. The Pomodoro method is a productivity technique where you work in block intervals with short breaks between each block. For example, you would set a timer and work undisturbed for 25-35 minutes with a timed 5-minute break immediately after. If you are neurodivergent do not sleep on this. This is a method based in science, and I’ve seen great success with the technique in my classroom and in my personal use. I’m using one right now as I’m writing this blog! There are a ton of free Pomodoro Timers online with some having music and additional features. Below are the ones I use:

Pomodoro Timer YouTube

Pomodoro Timer App for Microsoft

Plan. Period.

If you’re a pantser, I know you’re about one sentence away from scrolling off, but HEAR ME OUT. A key aspect of writing efficiency is to run on autopilot, aka that writing runner’s-high we’re all chasing. Linked below is my streamlined novel outline that takes 10 minutes or less to complete. Each plot step is a single bullet point, and the plan encourages you to see the big picture of your story without tying you down. Trust me. 10 minutes of homework now will save you countless minutes of sitting and staring at a blank page. 

If you’re a die-hard pantser and hate the idea... then don’t do it. I’m not your mamma. Live life your way :)

If you signed up for my newsletter, you already have it, but I’ll also link it here: EasyPlotPlanner

Now that you’ve done the hardest part, it’s time for the fun stuff. :)

Get Cozy

It’s all about the vibes!  Even though we’re trying to write our booties off, there’s no need to hole ourselves in a 9-5 cubicle setting. Curl up on your couch or sit in your favorite cafe, but no matter what you do, set your surroundings for success. 

Decorate your space: Treat yourself to a new candle. If the scent reminds you of your WIP, even better. Hang up some fairy/Christmas lights, change your computer wallpaper, anything you can think of to make the space yours and set the vibe. 

Music, Music, Music!: I’m a huge fan of low-distraction music like lofi, jazz, and classical music (Youtube playlists below), but sometimes listening to songs prevalent to the scene you’re writing works too. (Like listening to the Elden Ring soundtrack while writing a fantasy fight scene for instance.) Learn what makes you most efficient!

FallChill Lofi


HolidayCheer JazzHop

Stay Social

You don’t have to write alone, and having an accountability partner can help immensely.

Finding an IRL (in real life) friend who’s as crazy about writing as you are can be tough. When in doubt, take it to the internet. There are so many options and opportunities to write with friends and fellow authors. Facebook and TikTok are great spaces to find fellow writers in your genre. Joining a Discord, in my opinion, is even better. There are whole communities managed by writers with writing sprint timers, advice forums, voice chats, and so much more. Below are a few writing Discord servers I belong to that have great communities and are always accepting new members: 

Page One Discord Server 

We Write At Dawn Discord Server

If you are lucky enough to have a writing friend in your inner circle, get together on a schedule. Make it an event. Get cozy, eat snacks, and on your breaks, you can vent about your writing dilemmas and celebrate your successes.

Optimizing your writing sprints is a process. It takes time to learn what works for you because every writer is different. Take the time to learn what gets you to write the most words this November, and without a doubt, you'll continue to have successful writing sprints every month of the year.

This blog was written by a human being. Thanks for reading :)